W. Chad McLain

Attorney at Graves McLain Injury Lawyers

Practice Areas: Wrongful Death, Medical Malpractice, Bad Faith Insurance, Car Accidents, T-Bone Tractor-Trailer Accidents, Dangerous Drugs

Psychological injuries can be just as debilitating as physical ones after a personal injury accident. Learn how to seek compensation for mental health issues caused by traumatic events.

  • Psychological injuries can manifest as traumatic brain injury, emotional trauma, or inability to cope
  • Common mental health conditions include PTSD, clinical depression, anxiety disorder, phobias, and chronic pain disorder
  • Victims can seek compensation for therapy, medication, lost wages, ongoing care, and emotional distress
  • Establishing liability and documenting mental health treatment is crucial for a successful claim
  • Working with a personal injury attorney can help ensure fair compensation for psychological damages
Type of Psychological Injury Common Symptoms
Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Memory loss, difficulty concentrating, problems with reasoning and problem-solving
Emotional Trauma Anxiety, depression, anger, sleep disturbances, fatigue, appetite changes
Inability to Cope Weight loss, insomnia, mood swings, difficulty adjusting to life changes

Why should you seek compensation for psychological injuries after a personal injury accident? 

Seeking compensation for psychological injuries after a personal injury accident is essential because mental health issues can be just as debilitating as physical ones. 

Victims may require therapy, medication, and ongoing care to cope with conditions such as PTSD, depression, anxiety, phobias, and chronic pain disorder. By working with a personal injury attorney, victims can ensure they receive fair compensation for their mental health treatment, lost wages, and emotional distress caused by the traumatic event.

Seeking Compensation Post Car Accidents

When people get hurt by someone else’s actions, they can ask for compensation. This could be due to car accidents, slip-and-falls, or medical issues. We often think about physical injuries like cuts or broken bones, but what about the emotional scars?

After a big accident or a shocking event, someone might suffer from mental health issues well after their physical injuries have healed. It’s fair that these victims get help covering their medical bills, and it’s just as important to make sure they get support for any psychological pain too.

Mental health struggles, such as PTSD, anxiety, and depression, can really change a person’s life. These issues might not show up immediately and can take time to link back to the accident, making it tricky.

Getting compensation for these psychological injuries means showing they’re real and serious. Laws and insurance have started to catch up, recognizing how deeply someone’s life can be affected by emotional distress. Getting this compensation usually needs solid proof and sometimes the insight of a mental health expert. Lawyers who know the ins and outs of personal injury cases are key in ensuring victims get what they need to cover all their bases.

Seeking Compensation Post Car Accidents

Addressing both the body and the mind in these cases shows a full-circle approach to healing. Making sure people get the help they need for mental health issues after an accident helps everyone acknowledge the whole journey back to a good life.

The Nature of Psychological Injuries

Victims of psychological distress often hesitate to reach out for help, thinking they should just “get over it.” However, the impacts of personal injuries on mental health can manifest in various ways: through a traumatic brain injury, the emotional stress from the event, or struggles with adapting to life changes after the incident.

The response to trauma varies significantly among individuals, with mental health issues possibly emerging days, weeks, or even months later, much like certain physical injuries might.

Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI): A forceful accident or blow to the head can lead to a concussion or traumatic brain injury. Beyond the physical repercussions, TBIs can impact mental and cognitive functions. Victims might face memory issues, difficulty concentrating, or challenges in reasoning and problem-solving. Although some symptoms may improve as the brain heals, others could be permanent, necessitating ongoing assistance with daily tasks or relearning basic skills.

Emotional Trauma: Being part of a severe accident can trigger mental health disorders. The experience might leave individuals with lasting memories of fear and distress, witnessing the suffering or loss of others. Beyond physical injuries, one might struggle with anxiety, depression, or anger, experiencing symptoms that outlast the initial emotional shock, such as insomnia, fatigue, and changes in appetite.

Struggling to Cope: Major life events can fundamentally change a person, leading to visible scars, physical impairments, or even the loss of mobility. Activities like cycling or hiking may no longer be possible once enjoyed. More severe outcomes might include blindness or paralysis. The challenge of not being able to return to a “normal” life can spiral into mental health conditions and deep psychological pain. Those finding it difficult to adapt might show signs of stress, including weight loss, sleep disturbances, and mood swings.

Recognizing the multifaceted nature of psychological injuries is crucial. It’s not just about physical recovery but also acknowledging and addressing the deep emotional scars and cognitive changes that can affect individuals long after the physical wounds have healed. Offering support for these invisible injuries is essential for comprehensive healing and adaptation to a new way of living.

Recognizing Damage from Mental Illness

Recognizing and addressing psychological issues after a severe accident is as critical as caring for physical injuries. A specialist should thoroughly evaluate and manage mental health conditions, similar to how a doctor would inspect and treat physical wounds. The diagnostic process involves identifying various mental health disorders, each with its unique set of challenges.

The Most Common Mental Health Conditions Post-Accident:

  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD): PTSD is a significant condition that can emerge after someone experiences or witnesses a traumatic event. Symptoms include flashbacks, severe anxiety, nightmares, and uncontrollable thoughts about the event. Those suffering from PTSD might find themselves avoiding situations that remind them of the trauma, leading to withdrawal from social interactions and daily activities.
  • Anxiety Disorders: Anxiety following a traumatic event can manifest in several forms, including generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, and phobias. Individuals may experience persistent worry, panic, or intense fear of specific situations or objects. These disorders can significantly impact one’s ability to function in daily life.
  • Depression: Depression is a common outcome for many who have been through a traumatic experience. It can lead to sadness, loss of interest in activities once enjoyed, changes in appetite, sleep disturbances, and a lack of energy. In severe cases, depression can induce thoughts of suicide or self-harm.
  • Adjustment Disorders: These disorders occur when someone has difficulty coping with a major life change or stressor, such as surviving a serious accident. Symptoms can include depressive moods, anxiety, and behavioral problems. Adjustment disorders can significantly impair an individual’s ability to adapt to new circumstances.
  • Acute Stress Disorder: Similar to PTSD, acute stress disorder occurs shortly after a traumatic event. Symptoms include flashbacks, nightmares, and severe anxiety, but unlike PTSD, these symptoms are temporary and usually resolve within a month.
  • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD): Although less commonly directly triggered by trauma, OCD can be exacerbated by a traumatic event. It involves unwanted, intrusive thoughts (obsessions) and repetitive behaviors or mental acts (compulsions) that the individual feels driven to perform.

Compensation for Psychological Injuries

When someone’s careless actions cause mental harm to another, they’ve got to foot the bill for getting the injured party the help they need. This means paying for therapy sessions, meds, hospital stays, or any mental health care that helps ease the pain and gets the person back to feeling like themselves again before the mishap.

Compensation for Psychological Injuries

If the mental scars are deep, leading to a long healing process or permanent damage, the person hurt might receive compensation for a number of losses:

  • Missed Paychecks and Future Earnings: If they can’t work because of the injury, there’s money to cover wages they’re missing out on now and what they could’ve made in the future.
  • Continuous Medical Bills: This includes ongoing therapy, meds, and any future treatments needed to manage mental health fallout.
  • Help Around the House: If someone needs extra hands for daily stuff they can’t manage on their own, compensation can cover the cost of caregivers.
  • The Emotional Rollercoaster: It’s also about the mental anguish and emotional pain the whole ordeal causes, acknowledging the invisible wounds that hurt just as much, if not more.

Figuring out who’s to blame is atvthe start of any personal injury claim. If someone gets hurt because of an accident that wasn’t their doing, they have every right to ask for compensation.

To make a solid case for mental injury, it’s key for the person affected to get checked out by a mental health professional as soon as they can. The gold standard is a diagnosis that lines up with the diagnostic tool for mental disorders (the DSM) used by psychiatrists. But it’s not always cut and dried since there’s no simple test for pinning down mental health issues.

Even so, proof of mental injury can come together through a collection of treatment records, notes from healthcare professionals, and all the paperwork that goes along with it, kind of like gathering evidence for a physical injury. This is crucial for showing how severe the mental harm is and helps in getting the right compensation for the ordeal.

Receiving Compensation with the Aid of a Lawyer

Navigating a personal injury case, especially when it involves mental harm, calls for expert guidance from a personal injury lawyer. Linking psychological issues directly to an accident can be a tough task.

There’s a chance defendants and their insurance companies might try to claim that the injured party is making up or blowing their symptoms out of proportion, or even that the symptoms don’t exist at all.

Conditions like anxiety, PTSD, or ongoing stress can drastically change how someone enjoys life and manages day-to-day activities.

A lawyer who knows the ropes of personal injury claims can be a game changer. They have the skills to determine the true value of tangible and intangible losses from an accident. This includes everything from lost wages and medical bills to the more subjective pain and suffering caused by the incident.

With the right legal pro by your side, kicking off the process to land fair compensation for your mind and body becomes much more straightforward. They’re in your corner, fighting to ensure you get what you deserve for the upheaval and distress the injury has brought into your life.

Final Thoughts

Mental health is equally crucial as physical health in personal injury claims. Psychological injuries significantly affect a victim’s life quality, relationships, and work capacity. Trauma victims need to seek professional support and understand their rights to compensation.

Collaborating with an experienced personal injury lawyer ensures mental health concerns are thoroughly documented and fair compensation is pursued. Compensation might cover therapy, medications, lost earnings, ongoing care, and emotional distress.

Acknowledging the need for help with psychological injuries signifies strength and a step toward recovery. Prioritizing mental health and seeking accountability from negligent parties empower victims to reconstruct their lives and achieve closure post-trauma.

Get Help for Psychological Injuries from Graves McLain

Suffering from psychological injuries due to a personal injury accident? Graves McLain is here to assist. Our empathetic legal team recognizes the deep impact mental health issues can inflict on your life and is committed to securing the compensation you deserve. By collaborating with you, therapists, and medical experts, we aim to present a compelling case for your psychological damages. 

We manage all interactions with insurance companies, advocating relentlessly to ensure you get the necessary resources for recovery.

Take your time with this challenging time. Contact Graves McLain for a free consultation with our expert car accident lawyers. We’re ready to listen, address your concerns, and support you in your journey toward justice and healing. Prioritize your mental health and well-being with our dedicated assistance.

When injury victims need a law firm with a reputation for excellence, turn to Graves McLain Injury Lawyers. We are a top-rated personal injury firm determined to be the best. With decades of award-winning representation, our clients recover the compensation they need to put their lives back together.

  • I knew my auto accident wouldn’t be worth much and they knew it too but worked as if it was a million dollar case and kept me informed hope I never need an attorney again but if I do it’ll be graves mcclain I brag on them to everyone

    Margie C

  • The staff is great and super friendly. They helped me get the money I deserved. I would definitely recommend them to everyone!

    CiCi H

  • My orthopedic doctor recommended Graves McLain Injury Lawyers, PLLC, to me following the need for revision hip surgery due to a hip from Stryker that was putting poison into my system. The doctor took care of the hip, and Graves McLain Injury Lawyers, PLLC, took care of the legal case. They were very thorough, professional, courteous, and always ready to answer the questions I had throughout the length of the case. In a word, the entire office is fantastic. I’m sure they were tired of my inquiries on the case’s progress, but they did not show it. They were always willing to respond and were very positive. If I ever have a claim in the future, they will be the first group to whom I reach out.

    Robert S.

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