Dealing with insurance companies can become overwhelming, and after all, these companies are looking out for their own bottom line. They encourage those with claims to settle for a fraction of what your case may actually be worth. If you’ve been in an accident, you’ve already been hurt. Don’t let the insurance companies hurt you again. The attorneys at Graves McLain Injury Lawyers are here to help.
The value of your case can only be determined after Graves McLain Injury Lawyers thoroughly evaluates the facts and recovers all evidence. Only then can we make a reasonable estimate as to the monetary value of your case. Value can only be determined after you have completed medical treatment, all medical records have been recovered and reviewed, medical bills obtained, and the treating physician has been consulted to determine if the injuries are permanent.
Depending on your case, you may have grounds to sue for the following damages:
*Economic losses include expenses for medical care and lost wages due to your injury.
*Future economic losses cover the cost of future medical care and future loss of income due to your injury.
*Past and future pain and suffering
Graves McLain Injury Lawyers takes cases on a contingency fee basis, which means we don’t get paid until you collect compensation for your injuries.
Graves McLain Injury Lawyers will speak with you for free to evaluate your situation.