Safety Tips for Driving on the Road with Tractor Trailers

Summertime is here, which means tens of thousands of Americans will be taking to the road as they travel to seasonal retreats and vacation locations. Safety is of the utmost concern for passenger vehicles as they drive to their final destination. Driving concerns are only natural when sharing the road with tractor-trailers, as there has

General Motors Recalling Over 500,000 Camaros for Ignition-Related Problems

GM has another big recall, now of their Chevy Camaro. It seems every day there is more news about negligent companies with defective vehicles, which pose serious threats to drivers and passengers alike. Discovered through internal testing implemented after the last recall, GM determined that drivers, if sitting too close to the steering wheel, could

Texting & Driving Claims Another Life in Owasso Crash

Over 1000 car crashes occur each year in the Tulsa metro area. That equates to 19 car crashes a week and almost 3 crashes a day in our very own metropolis of Tulsa. And distracted driving from texting & driving, drinking & driving or simply not paying attention, cause the majority of accidents on our

Testosterone Side Effects and Adverse Drug Reactions

A recent scientific study has confirmed that men over age 65, that use testosterone, have a 200% to 300% increased risk of heart attack and stroke. Additionally, younger men with a history of heart ailments have the same increased risks. These side effects could be caused by the increased production of red blood cells leading

Statistics for Dog Attacks

Believe it or not, one of the nation’s most commonly reported health problems are dog bites. Amongst the estimated 70 million dogs living in households across the nation, millions of people, mainly children, have fallen victim to these easily preventable happenings. This is why National Dog Bite Awareness is so important. National Dog Bite Awareness

Safety Apps for College Students

In today’s society, there are so many dangerous situations that students and young women are forced to endure. In an age of heightened aggression and sexuality, crimes against young people are more prevalent than ever.  Crimes Against Women According to the 2008 National Crime Victimization Survey, as reported by the Bureau of Justice Statistics, more

Simple Bicycle Safety Tips for Your Kids

Riding a bicycle to school can be fun for your child, but can also create concern and stress as a parent. The best way to prepare your child to ride their bike to school is to practice together. Ride bikes together using the safest route. Show your child the safety rules by slowing down at

Chocolate Chunk LUNA® Bars Recalled Due to Package Mislabeling

Macadamia Nut Allergy Alert and Voluntary Recall of 15-Count Boxes of Chocolate Chunk LUNA® Bars Due to Package Mislabeling The popular health food company Clif Bar & Company is initiating a voluntary recall today of a small amount of 15-count boxes of Chocolate Chunk LUNA® Bars that were shipped to limited stores nationwide. These 15-count

Cyber Bullying is a Growing Problem Among Our Youth

Cyberbullying is causing big problems for today’s teens. More than 43% of teens say they have been cyberbullied, and of those 43%, one in four have had it happen more than once. It is becoming easier for teens to bully each other online with the heavy use of cell phones and social media. Cyberbullying is


The attorneys at Graves McLain are currently investigating claims involving the Stryker ShapeMatch Cutting Guide. The ShapeMatch Cutting Guide was used during knee replacement surgery in conjunction with the Stryker Triathlon Knee Implant. The ShapeMatch Cutting Guide was approved through the FDA’s 501K process in May 2011. In November 2012, Stryker ceased marketing the cutting

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