broken arrow car accident law firm

Happy Labor Day from Graves McLain!

The attorneys and staff at Graves McLain wish you and your family a safe and happy Labor Day Weekend! Please enjoy your holiday weekend responsibly. Labor Day is one of the busiest travel periods of the year. More cars and vehicles on the road mean that drivers face an increased risk of being involved in traffic

Graves McLain Law Welcomes New Attorney Brian Carter

Graves McLain is pleased to announce the addition of a new attorney to its growing personal injury practice, which represents the needs of people injured in all types of accidents. Our law firm includes representing individuals and families in all types of serious injury and wrongful death claims. Brian Carter is a 2015 graduate of

Two Oklahoma Motorists Injured Following Wrong-Way Accident Caused by Drunk Driver

Drunk Driving remains a very serious and widespread problem in Oklahoma and throughout the United States. The most recent data about Alcohol-Impaired Driving released by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration shows that these types of accidents still happen with disturbing regularity: In 2014, nearly 10,000 people were killed in traffic accidents involving alcohol. Alcohol-impaired

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